We regret to announce that KidsFunParty will be on sabbatical until further notice.

We'll be back with more Kids Fun Parties soon! =)

Thank you.

About Me

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Kota Damansara, Selangor, Malaysia
Hi! :) My name is Karlin. Simplest I can descibe myself -> "a bibik-less working mother of 3". ;o) Couldn't be more concise! =D Proud to say, my domestic arrangements work fine for all of us (myself, hubby and kids). We're an average family, surviving in the suburban area of Kota Damansara. :-) Some might think I have my hands full already but I looooove doing kids' parties it's what keeps me sane! =D I'd fantasize my kids' birthday parties months ahead! Always looking out for cool ideas to keep the costs within my limited budget. So much so that 3 parties a year just ain't enuff for me anymore! ;-D ~ ~ ~

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Hi there, kids...
Aunty Karlin accompanied a loved one through a scary experience of gum infection recently, watched her endure the terrible pain =( and met an Endodontics for the 1st time...
In the picture above are some goodies in Kids Fun Party's "dental" activity kits distributed at Genius Aulad Kota Damansara earlier today.
Hope kiddies who received them enjoy coloring the toothbrushes and sketching the smiles. :-)
Most importantly, hope mommies and daddies use the chart to record the kiddies' Adventure in Tooth Kingdom with Mr Rabbit! =o)
Remember kids, brush our teeth twice daily!
...once first thing in the morning and once before bed! :-)
To avoid having to see an Endodontics, see the Dentist twice a year. :-)
Cheers to brighter smiles! (^_*)

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